Opportunity for In-Service Training activity in Italy – financed by EU

The Training Agencies Areté Formazione Onlus and Aretè S.R.L. (Italy) are pleased to inform you that you can apply for the in-service training activities within European GRUNDTVIG Grant (Adult Education), funded by the LLP Agency (Lifelong Learning Programme), addressed to teachers/trainers, executives, headteachers/principals/managers of schools/organizations, active in Adults Learning field.

The activities, financed by the European Union and with no additional economic charges for the candidates, can be found in the Comenius – Grundtvig Training Database as:

“Didactic strategies and experimental methodologies in adult learning” with the reference number : „IT-2014-1060-001” – http://ec.europa.eu/education/trainingdatabase/index.cfm?fuseaction=DisplayCourse&cid=37575

“Designing training on the job, for efficient entering to the world of work” with the reference numberIT-2014-1061-001” –http://ec.europa.eu/education/trainingdatabase/index.cfm?fuseaction=DisplayCourse&cid=37577


In order to benefit one of these training opportunities, you will have to apply until 17th of September 2013, by following your National Agency’s website: LLP – > GRUNDTVIG – > MOBILITY – > IN-SERVICE TRAINING:


You can apply by compiling the application form at:


and by submitting it to your own LLP National Agency.


Each of the 7 days In-Service Training activity, with arrival on Sunday and departure on Saturday, provides 5 days of learning, aimed to the competences/skills update and transfer as well as best practices exchanges.

The Agencies are available to provide necessary support information, in the compilation of the application form, to submit to the own LLP National Agency.

For further information the reference contacts of the activities are:

Rosa Berardino – email: info@aretegroup.it

Andreea Monalisa Ghervan – email: project@aretegroup.it

tel: +39 – 0881 88 90 40 (Italy)

cell: +39 – 340 4010275 (Italy)

skype: project.aretegroup

for the activity – “Didactic strategies and experimental methodologies in adult learning” see: http://www.areteformazione.it

for the activity – “Designing training on the job, for efficient entering to the world of work” see: http://www.aretegroup.it

For further information about LLP Programme – Grundtvig In-Service Training see: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/index_en.php

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