Programul de burse “Go Styria” pentru studenții din sud-estul Europei

The scholarship program called “Go Styria” for outstanding students from South-Eastern European countries takes place in the winter semester 2013/2014. A total of 50 scholarship months can be awarded.


The scholarship program aims at students who

  • are currently registered at universities in South-Eastern and also still registered during the winter semester 2013/14
  • are currently at least in their 7th semester of a diploma program, 4th semester of a bachelor program, 2nd semester of a master program or 4th semester of a doctoral/PhD program and/or already working on their thesis.
  • Want to come to the University of Graz as exchange students in order to do research or take classes relevant to their studies and then finish their degree at their home universities.

Application deadline – 29 March 2013

More information and the online application form can be found at:

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