Programul ERASMUS după 25 de ani: despre viitorul mobilităţilor studenţeşti – detalii în revista presei

Erasmus at 25: what is the future for international student mobility? Millions in higher education have benefited from the exchange programme but too much bureaucracy places it at risk. The Guardian (click pentru a citi articolul)   Internships v paid work: which would you choose? Some students find they get more out of part-time jobs […]

Află ce ţări se află în topul celor mai performante sisteme educaţionale: detalii în revista presei

Comparing universities: which country comes top for higher education? A new ranking of international universities and higher education systems has been compiled to give more insight into the strength of HE in different nations. The Guardian (click pentru a citi articolul)   Where are all the innovators in academia? Innovation regularly transforms the business world, […]

Despre oportunităţile şi limitele educaţiei online: MIT

Revista presei internaţionale:   Free Harvard, MIT classes for all? Yes and no. Harvard and MIT jumped to the front of the free online education movement this week with edX, a $60 million partnership that promises online coursework to the masses from two leading academic brands. The Washington Post (click pentru a citi articolul)   […]

Revista presei internaţionale

Building professional accreditation into traditional degrees Universities and professional bodies need to work together to develop graduate employability, says Ann Brine. The Guardian (click aici pentru a citi articolul)   Disruptive innovation – in education For Anant Agarwal, MITx, the Institute’s new online-learning initiative, isn’t just a means of democratizing education. It’s a way to […]

Angajabilitate: despre cunoştinţe teoretice şi abilităţi practice – detalii în revista presei

Employability: university education isn’t just about developing skills The debate around employability and skills is important, but we must not lose sight of the critical and theoretical talent universities are also required to deliver, says David Docherty.  The Guardian (click aici pentru a citi articolul)   What’s in a name? The value of a good […]

Revista presei

Presa internaţională Internationalizing University Education Increasingly, university faculty are realizing that learning „about” the world must be supplemented with an effort to learn „with” it. Interacting with authentic audiences in the global regions or international curricula being studied can bring that curriculum alive and put it into a contemporary and local real context. The Huffington […]

Revista presei

Presa internaţională New tools to answer timeless questions Alan Jasanoff is designing imaging sensors that could help reveal the brain’s inner workings. MIT News (click aici pentru a citi articolul)   Ebooks: the format of the academic future Steven Schwartz explains why more universities should start publishing ebooks and how they benefit students. The Guardian […]