Angajabilitate: despre cunoştinţe teoretice şi abilităţi practice – detalii în revista presei

Employability: university education isn’t just about developing skills

The debate around employability and skills is important, but we must not lose sight of the critical and theoretical talent universities are also required to deliver, says David Docherty.

 The Guardian (click aici pentru a citi articolul)


What’s in a name? The value of a good university brand

When it comes to student attraction, a university with a well-respected brand has an enormous advantage. But it takes more than a catchy slogan to stand out from the crowd.

 The Guardian (click pentru a citi articolul)


Required to Graduate: Computer Science

There is growing interest among colleges and universities to make basic computer science a required course. But will this approach work?

 The Chronicle of Higher Education (click pentru a citi articolul)


Students Endlessly E-Mail Professors for Help. A New Service Hopes to Organize the Answers.

Piazza works like an online study hall, allowing students to pose questions to their professors and to one another.

 The Chronicle of Higher Education (click aici pentru a citi articolul)

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